A business development company engaged in developing human resources through distribution and export and import service activities


PT. CAKRA SAKTI UTAMA is a business development company engaged in industrial export and import trade which has an orientation to the development of human resources.

Company vision :
a.Improve the prosperity and well-being of everyone who is incorporated in the Main Chakra Sakti organization.
b. Making the main Chakra Sakti as the best means for us to have a career.
c.Open new branch offices throughout Indonesia and Southeast Asia.
Company Mission:
a. Fully support each individual to go ahead and develop.
b. Train, prepare and promote a New Business manager and Management Staff.
Chakra Sakti Utama has a very unique development method wherein each person can not directly occupy the position in accordance with what they want but must go through a selection program and a truly selective training program. The aim is in accordance with the company's vision to get quality human resources that can make our company grow even more. We have an educational institution as a place to develop new human resources to join through the Management Training program. This program has been refined every year so that many people can achieve their extraordinary careers.

The orientation of the Management training program itself includes several things, including:
- Formation of attitude and mentality
- Skil formation, including:
  a. communication skills
  b.skill confident
  c. motivational skills
  d. management skills
  e. leadership skills
- Learn about human characteristics

With this development program, we hope to create quality human resources that can support the development of the company.

Every person who is a member of the Main Chakra Sakti organization has the same opportunity to achieve success depending on their dreams and their struggle to compete with one another to be the best. But the thing we can expect the most is a work contract system that we have never implemented in our company. Every person who passes the selection program and graduates from the development program they will be appointed as permanent employees and they can also pursue a career to achieve the highest position in our company.
The opportunities we offer for all those who want to join are:
a. Staff office
Those whose status is as employees who work in our company. Their status is permanent employees but there is no career path. His position includes:
- Receptionist
- warehouse
- Courier
- Administration
- Accounting
- Office boy
  b. Staff Management
Those whose status is as manager of our company. Their status is permanent employees with extraordinary career paths. His position includes:
- Supervisor
- Assistant manager
- Manager / Owner
